Dick Boak nearly lost his eyesight at the age of six and ever since, has concerned himself with visual details. Unable to surpass his older brothers in the sports arena, he...
John Batdorf is a singer-songwriter solo artist and one half of Las Vegas Rock and Roll Hall Of Famers folk-rock duo Batdorf & Rodney. He’s also a successful film...
As a solo artist, Jesse Harris has released 12 albums, including many with his former backing band The Ferdinandos and one all-instrumental recording (Cosmo). His...
Joo Kraus made a name for himself with the award winning Hip-Jazz project Tab Two. Equipped with a virtual band, the duo could be heard at nearly all national and...
For ten years, Sue was the musical partner of singer/recording artist Candye Kane. They toured France and most of Europe, including Scandinavia, Greece, and Turkey. Their...
It is only a long lived singer-songwriter career that lets James Lee Stanley unite the unpredictable creative turns and the eclectic elements that make up his world. His...
With a career spanning 16 years and almost 20 albums, Hunter consistently ups his game as an innovative writer and bandleader. He has worked with the likes of Norah Jones,...
In a restlessly eclectic, wholly unique musical career that spans two and a half decades, Petra Haden has established a singular reputation for creativity and versatility,...
Annually performing upwards of 100 concerts on six continents, Omar Sosa has appeared in venues as diverse as the Blue Note (New York, Milan, and Tokyo), Carnegie Hall's...
Damon Zick is a saxophonist, woodwind performer, composer and educator residing in Burbank, California. He was born and raised in Seattle before heading to the East Coast...